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Everything you need to know about Botox® & starting in your 20’s.

Yes, IG filters make everyone look flawless- but so does Botox®. Women in their twenties often come to me and ask if they are too young to start Botox® treatments. Most aestheticians will tell you that if you are trying to reduce wrinkles and have some early signs of aging, that it is in fact a great time to begin taking action.

Before we get into why, let’s talk about what Botox® is.

Botox® is the brand name of an injectable neuromodulator. It is used to temporarily alter the nerve impulses of the targeted muscle area in an effort to reduce or eliminate contraction-induced wrinkles.

Once the Botox® is injected, it begins to paralyze muscle movements that cause wrinkles. The effects? They typically last anywhere from 3-6 months! Typically we see that the younger you start (or the better condition your skin is in) the longer the Botox® lasts.

So what is so great about Botox® anyway?

Let us count the ways…

One- Botox® requires no downtime. There is minimal swelling (if any at all) and within hours the “procedure” is likely not to be noticed by anyone but yourself (because you’ll be like “OMG I look flawless”).

Reason numero dos- Okay, sure there are some really amazing creams out there but nothing does the job like botox. Often people will spend hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars trying to diminish wrinkles and with Botox® you are looking at a very comparable amount of spend with results you can absolutely rely on.

Our final, and favorite reason- When it comes to preventing wrinkles in the future, Botox® can be used as a preventative aging measure because it prohibits muscles from making the movements that caused the wrinkles in the first place. And unfortunately, the longer you wait and the deeper the crevices become, the harder they are to diminish (and also more costly).

While we are big fans around here of Botox® there are things to be weary of and we always recommend doing your research. Mayo Clini provides plenty of information on this, if you want to check it out here.